Our Vision is simple, Mile High Calvary exists to "Equip the Found to Reach the Lost."
As Christians, we were once lost and dead in our sins. We have been found and are saved by God’s grace. We want to share this freedom with others. It is our desire as a community of believers to see that those who are lost are found for the Glory of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Find out more about our beliefs, what to expect, and more about our team!

Please view our newest Thursday update every week and see what's new with Mile High Calvary!


We have many ways to get involved, and believe that fellowship with others along with service to God helps us become a stronger Body. Getting together with other men, women, teenagers, and children with small groups while serving in meals, prayer, cleaning, and helping others brings us together in our mission to show the love of Jesus to the world. If you ever have a need in these areas or simply want to serve, please contact us on that ministries page.

Radical Living is the radio ministry of Mile High Calvary on GraceFM Radio (89.7 FM Denver, 101.7 Colorado Springs). Join Pastor Fernando at 2am and 10am every weekday, and 5:30am every Sunday for biblical preaching and teaching. These broadcasts are edited versions of Pastor Fernando’s full teachings that can be found here on our website.